
photo-1562679020-781c118a4123-42beae22 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“This was life changing. I feel like myself again. I’m feeling more centered, and the lower abdomen bloating that would never leave me is now gone. The racing mind at night is gone and I don’t feel so wound up. My energy is up and I’m stable throughout the day”

photo-1469131792215-9c8aaff71393-8f284360 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“I love the thyroid complex. It brings up my mood! Sarah was the first practitioner who asked for a full thyroid panel and a saliva adrenal test to help me get to the root cause of my 20-yearlong debilitating thyroid issues.”

istockphoto-603903118-612x612-0a4adfc0 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“My cholestrol dropped 40 points in the last 90 days on Sarah's protocol. The natural statin worked!"

red-magical-sunset-bulgaria-fiery-clouds-black-sea-64193023-0e7a0895 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“In one month my anxiety has reduced by 70%. I feel much less reactive and my energy is also better. I used to be so fatigued just going up the stairs at work and now I’m able to run again in the mornings. My constipation is also improving.”

Calm-peace-inner-peace-374c5d95 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“I’ve lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks and my chronic ear drainage has cleared up! I’m sleeping deeper than I have in years.”

photo-1476814163155-70e3a68bf26f-8c80aa46 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“My all around health is better in a short amount of time. Improvements I have noticed: skin, hair, anxiety level, self-assurance, improved digestive system, increased energy, overall health, better eating habits, and better health awareness. And I’m much nicer to my co-workers and kids now that Sarah has helped me get my blood sugar under control!”

moon-hill-natural-bridge-in-china-892adefc The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“My acid reflux is gone. I mean really gone! After 15 years of feeling miserable. I’m a contractor with a busy workload and I used to go all day without eating just so I could get through the work day without suffering. I can’t believe I’m eating at normal meal times again without suffering.”

bodywork-for-hormone-balancing-2fc3577f The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“My painful hemorrhoids are much better. I don’t have to be scared to go to the bathroom anymore for fear of the discomfort.”

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“I am totally amazed. This program worked quickly! I am a diabetic and have struggled with high blood sugar for years that I could never seem to control. My blood sugar the past month on this protocol has stayed in the 90’s. My sinuses are much better, no more mucus in the mornings. I have no more nausea or vertigo and my eyes are no longer watery. My bowels are moving every day too.”

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“At 52 years old, I was taking 5 medications for anxiety and depression. For years I had felt suicidal almost daily. The depression would just stop me from everything and the anxiety was even worse! I felt stuck in every area of my life, and was living in fear. My therapist recommended I see Sarah. I was skeptical supplements and an eating plan could help me but after 2 weeks on my program, I stopped having suicidal thoughts and even had a 2-hour window during the first week where I felt almost normal. The anxiety is MUCH better. I now have a lot more physical energy to do stuff and I am more immune to negativity. Everyone has been telling me how healthy I look.”

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“At 29 years old I had not had a period for 6 years. I had spent my life dieting and body building. I was ready to have a baby and I needed help getting my menstrual cycle back. Sarah put me on a hormone rebuilding protocol and by the end of the first 30 days my acne was 50% improved, around day 75 I had my first period in 6 years, and 8 months later I was pregnant.”

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“My 6-year-old was having very painful bowel movements. He had rectal bleeding for over 7 months and would cry when going to the bathroom. He often complained of stomach aches and was hyperactive at school. He would trip and fall a lot and had constant cold sores. The school nurse told us about Ukiah Nutrition. Everything quickly improved for him while on his program. He takes Kids Digest, a probiotic, minerals, and immune support. Bowel movements became normal, no pain. No more gas or burping and cold sores disappeared. His teacher noticed his focus was better and that he was calmer.”

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“I was on birth control for 19 years. I came to Sarah to help me boost my fertility. Within 3 months my period was significantly better. Before I was just spotting for 2 days and now I have a full period.”

photo-1488227402652-00175718582c-861d2325 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“I suffered with allergies 9 months out of the year and had chronic sinus infections. The Sinus Tonic and Allerplex have been a huge help! I am happy to report 2 years have passed without an infection. Before, I would have 3-4 sinus infections in the span of a few months. As long as I stay on my Echinacea and food plan I am fine. If I start to feel something coming on I immediately increase my Sinus Tonic and I never get an infection. My life has improved drastically living without allergies.”

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“I was having erectile dysfunction at 44 years old. Sarah said this was the result of a weakness in my endocrine system. She put me on Neo40, pituitary, and pancreas support and the problem was solved!”

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“I had bad psoriasis and monthly canker sores. After 5 weeks I was able to stop my topical prescription and my psoriasis was hardly noticeable. I have no canker sores and my mouth is not sore in any way. Also, less sugar cravings. I’m eating more protein and fat and feeling better.”

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“I was taking medications for PTSD, ADD, anxiety, and depression….and yet I was still experiencing all of those symptoms. I was an introvert barely leaving the house. Right away I could feel I was improving on my program and I knew I was heading in a good direction. I noticed more mental clarity and I became interested in walking and doing things around the house. All of the minerals were making me feel wonderful. I was having twinges of happiness! 2 months later I was feeling enthusiastic about a lot of things and much more present.6 months later my husband and I went to Hawaii and I spent every day outside painting the ocean. After that trip I went to my doctor and asked him to take me off my medications. I wanted to be fully present for my life. Not bad for someone who just last year could not cope.”

photo-1497436072909-60f360e1d4b1-fbb30c49 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“When I do a foot bath my edema is better and for the next 5 nights I do not have to put my feet up to reduce swelling.”

photo-1489321336462-efe12c02d099-a0dc08a4 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“My digestion is so much better. The trapped gas and stomach pain are gone. Before I had one bowel movement every 4-5 days. My bowels are now the most consistent they have ever been."

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“My periods were so heavy I had become anemic. The iron tablets the doctor prescribed made me feel sick. I had multiple iron infusions but always become anemic again soon after. Sarah ran a full iron panel to look at my iron issues. The liquid blood building herbs helped immensely. My period is no longer so heavy, I lose less blood each month, and my iron levels normalized with the food grade iron capsules she gave me. I love the Femax Tonic and Ferrofood. My period is better and my energy is back."

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“The Min Tran tablets help my 4-year-old daughter sleep through the night"

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“Lots of grief this past year and I gained 15 pounds, bouts of depression. I was having blurry vision with eye floaters. Things improved quickly. I have no more eye crusties and my morning nasal drip is gone. The eye floaters disappeared within the first 3 weeks. I think the eye supplements and liver support were a big help."

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“Sarah takes the time to help me that I wish my doctors would have spent with me all the years I drove around to specialist looking for support. My uncle paid for me to see Sarah as my Christmas present. Best gift ever."

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“I was under constant stress, cried frequently, and I’ve had depression since I was a teenager. The anxiety and depression supplements have been a huge help. There are some things I take daily and some things I only take when I am spinning out. It is so nice not to be on medication anymore. The hormone drops have been a huge help with my PMDD!"

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“I was out of synch with my body and not treating my body well. The self-care plan Sarah created for me felt amazing. I’ve been under her care for 6 months and my husband and family notice a difference, I have more peace."

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“I had a ton more energy after 3-4 days."

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“My hives are gone and so are my swollen lips. The rash and welts on my hips and thighs are gone. The numbness in my tongue is going away. Hands and feet are much less stiff. I used to have painful leg cramps in the evenings and I’ve only had 2 in the past month. Energy and sleep are much better."

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“I’ve lost weight and I’m not struggling with my digestion anymore. My frequent colds are gone, my immune system is better, and my blood pressure is down. I have not needed to use an antibiotic for months, and that is wonderful. My children are a big element in my life, and the nutrition testing has given us our lives back. Everyone in our family is on a nutrition program! No more depression, anxiety, and sleepless nights, etc. My eldest child even asks for his supplements.”

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“Overall this has been fantastic! My bloating is gone, I’m drinking more water and loving being able to eat butter! I’m feeling more joy and the gingko works wonderful when I need it. That uncomfortable heavy pressure in my stomach is gone. It is so nice to finally be able to eat a meal in a restaurant again without having digestive distress. My energy is great!”

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“I suffer from Crohn's Disease, and since working with Sarah and healing my digestive tract I can now eat salads without the fear of doubling over or spending hours in discomfort, and I realized I was eating too many carbs vs. protein. Sarah has educated me so much about what’s really going on with our food system”

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“I’m doing great. More energy and less anxiety. Sweet foods are now tasting too sweet. I’m exercising and starting to crave vegetables. ”

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“All within one month I have noticed an improvement in my joint pain, acid reflux, cholesterol, weight loss, and blood pressure. Before I came to Ukiah Nutrition and Wellness Center I was using a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs, but since I have been on my nutrition program I have not needed to use any of those drugs. I’m feeling so much better. I have more energy than I’ve had in years."

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“Since working with Sarah my hot flashes are almost completely gone. I love the Menopause Tonic!! The very painful bursitis in my shoulder has also gone away. I feel like the thyroid supplements have given me my life back. Thank you for helping me discover the underlying cause of my health conditions!”

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“I was taking medication up to 3 times per day to control my horrible headaches. The headaches affected every area of my life. I started my eating plan and supplement protocol and in the first 30 days I only had 3 headaches total. When I follow the protocol perfectly I am headache free."

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“I was having major digestive issues. After 30 days my daily stomach pain is gone, I’m having much less gas, my bowel movements have increased to 2-3 times per day, and my facial acne and buttocks acne is 80% improved."

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“I felt a world of difference for the better within 2-3 days of starting the program ”

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“At 34 years old I was 130 pounds overweight. During the night my hands and arms would fall asleep and pain would radiate down towards my fingers. I would have to get out of bed 3-4 times per night and stand up just to get blood to rush back into my arms. I had crippling knee pain and terrible vaginal itching. Sarah told me I had a fungal infection, a congested liver, low thyroid and multiple food intolerances. I started my protocol with a vengeance. I followed my food plan 100% and started my supplement protocol. I did not miss a supplement dose. 23 days later I had my first check up and I was happy to report my arms had stopped falling asleep, I was sleeping through the night, the knee pain was gone, and I was down 16 pounds."

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“I had acne all over my face, chest, and back. My self-esteem was so low. I was on antibiotics for many months with only a small improvement. Sarah told me antibiotics don’t work long-term and that they actually add stress to the body and create more problems. She put me on a skin protocol that included blood purifying herbs, zinc, Vitamin A, and liver support, and my acne has improved greatly. I get pimples when I stop my probiotic. As a side effect of doing the program, my period is much better and I have less anxiety."

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“I had explosive diarrhea a few days per week. Going out to dinner always made me nervous about what to order because I might have to run to the restroom. I had stomach cramps, bloating, and acid reflux nightly. I started the food plan and my stomach supplements and very quickly my symptoms cleared up. I’m staying off dairy and going gluten-free. I love the Zypan and AF Betafood. No more tight pressure and burning in my stomach area. My stomach issues have 100% resolved themselves."

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“My mood has changed! My daughters have noticed. I had so much grief the past 5 years after my divorce. The fact that I’m feeling more joy and laughter is a wonderful thing. The mood support supplements are helping."

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“I had been taking testosterone injections for 10 years. I was 46 years old and found Sarah because I was always hot and sweaty and could not sleep through the night. I had a lot of rage and aggression. She had me do a saliva test and it showed that I was about 3000% over the ideal for testosterone. The testosterone injections were mailed to me from a men’s clinic in Nevada, but it had been years since anyone had tested me to see what my testosterone levels were. I was furious that my doctor had not checked. Sarah explained that I had overdosed myself! She also noticed red spots on my chest that she said were estrogen spots. Apparently, I was hot and sweaty because I was now making too much estrogen as a result of the extra testosterone! She said that I was basically experiencing what a female in menopause experiences. She started me on some herbs to yank down my high testosterone and very quickly the rage, irritation, and constant sweating was behind me."

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“I loved the 28-day cleanse! I am feeling fantastic and my bloodwork is the BEST it’s ever been!"

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“For 2 weeks before my period I had breast tenderness, PMS, menstrual headaches, and I was bleeding during my period for 9 days instead of 5. I was easily irritated, depressed, and sad. I had bad cystic acne, and losing weight had become impossible. I had weak sex hormones and hormonal imbalance. Sarah put me on a hormone support program and within 3 months my period normalized back to 5 days with much less clotting, and my PMS was down to just 1-2 days before my period instead of 2 weeks. The breast tenderness and headaches are gone. My husband said I am a different person, much calmer. I’m feeling more joy."

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“My eating plan was satisfying and I lost 9.6 pounds in 13 days. I know I am a food addict and I was 60 pounds overweight when I started the program. I love the EFT tapping Sarah taught for when I get cravings, very helpful"

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“I have so much more energy and stamina with the Ashwaganda Complex and Thyroid support."

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“I am a raw foodist and my digestion was a mess. I almost wonder if it’s because I ate 100% raw for too many years. I was sometimes crippled over in pain after eating. I tried numerous over the counter digestive aids with little improvement. In the first HOUR of taking the supplements Sarah prescribed my stomach calmed down. I cannot be without my liquid Digest and cholcaol! Lifesaver!"

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“Going off sugar the first few days was hard but the Candida supplements helped big time! I have not had sugar in 4 months and I am free of all food cravings. That is a miracle considering I used to be addicted to sugar."

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“Today was the first time since 2003 I have not had to take any pain meds (testimonial written in 2016)."

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“My little boy is silly and happy again! Before Sarah my 10-year old was struggling with: weekly stomach aches at a pain level of 7, diarrhea, daily gas, acid reflux twice per month, he struggled to swallow and would choke on his food, reactive hypoglycemia, sadness, he cried a few times per week, trouble falling asleep, bad dreams, and some headaches. After one month he was still tired but almost all other symptoms have improved. There is little crying, his appetite and sleep are better, mood is improved, he’s having normal stool, and as long as we follow the food plan there are no stomach aches. I am a happy mommy!"

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“This plan was easier than I thought it would be. I actually like the food and I feel good when I eat right. I’m never going back to how I used to eat!"

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“I was having pressure in my chest, constant anxiety, daily stomach aches, and trouble falling asleep. By day 4 of the protocol I was sleeping much deeper. I love the Cardio-Plus and heart support. The pressure in my chest has not returned and I was able to get off my statin and high blood pressure medication. I have been feeling so good I forgot I used to have daily stomach aches. Those went away almost immediately with the digestive enzymes and gallbladder support. My anxiety is 80% gone and I’m feeling excited about life at 76-year-old. I’ve been feeling like such a young pup I started cycling to burn off some of this excess energy. I know this program added years back to my life. ”

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“2 months in and I'm doing great! I feel like my mood, energy, and hormones are all balanced”

Lake-Louise-f6718658 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“My energy is up! I’m having more energy to get out and garden and do more things. I’m having more peace.”

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“Just a couple months ago I was so exhausted that I could hardly function. I have two small children and could barely complete the usual daily routines, let alone anything extra. All I wanted to do was sleep and I was well aware of how apathetic I had become. I was tired no matter how much sleep I got. Since I started taking the recommended supplements and following my nutrition program guidelines, I feel like I did prior to having children. I wake up with energy, enjoy my children, and have pursued interests that I was too exhausted to even think about before. I truly thank Sarah for helping me to feel so well! If you have kids and you have not been to one of her cooking workshops, make sure you sign up for the class on how to make healthy vitamin gummies your kids will LOVE.”

Planet-Earth-640x431-2303209c The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“Since working with Sarah I am no longer on my Acid Reflux medications and I feel better. I used to have a food hangover every morning when I woke up, but by following her eating suggestions, I’m waking up clear and alert. My stomach problems have also improved, I’m no longer blowing people out of the room with my terrible gas!!

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“Before I was tired all the time, I ached all over, and I carried extra pounds. I’ve been on my nutritional protocol for 2 months and my energy is back! I am losing weight and my overall outlook on myself has improved, and my stamina is much better than it was in the beginning. I am beginning to look at food in a different light. I see it as a means to becoming healthy as I get older and I am learning to make wiser food choices and in doing so learning to hear and feel how my body reacts to what I ingest. Sarah is always smiling when she comes out to greet me. I just feel good when I’m around her. I do not feel fatigued or generally depressed anymore.”

cap-sauers-chad-reno-jun18-d32871be The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“Why doesn’t the surgeon tell you when you have your gall bladder removed that you need to take bile salts for life to be able to digest dietary fat? Sarah was the first person to tell me that much of my digestive distress was the result of losing my gall bladder. Within 2 days of taking the gall bladder support for people who don’t have a gall bladder, my constant burping and diarrhea were already clearing up. It took about 1 week to lose the miserable bloating. I suffered for 10 years going from doctor to doctor with no answers. In the first 5 minutes Sarah said “I know what the problem is.” She was the first person to educate me on the dangers of losing your gall bladder and how to take care of myself moving forward"

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“My cramps are gone. After a decade of nightmare menstrual periods my cramps are GONE! I love my Cramplex, FemCo, Black Currant seed Oil and Magnesium.”

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“I have diabetes and neuropathy in my feet. While living in Thailand I got a bad foot infection. The wound was the size of a quarter and was almost down to the bone. It was like having a massive hole in the bottom of my foot. For 8 months doctors had me taking antibiotics and they even had me stuffing an antibiotic dressing into the wound. My foot was not healing and I had an open wound. We suspected it was because of the lack of blood flow to my feet because of my diabetes. The VA nurse told me I did not have a distal pulse. When I visited my daughter in Mendocino she took me to see Sarah. At first I thought this was quackery. I only followed the protocol because my daughter is a drill sergeant and I was staying at her house. 3 times per day Sarah instructed that I coat the wound with chlorophyll ointment, I was on a strict anti-inflammatory food plan, AND I had to take handfuls of supplements that were supposed to increase circulation and increase skin healing. It worked. 45 days later the wound is healing for the first time since the accident, the wound is now 50% smaller in size and new skin is forming. Oh, and my morning blood sugars are down from 200 to 120. Just yesterday the VA nurse said I had a strong distal pulse in my injured foot, the blood is rushing back. No more diarrhea, nauseous, and gas too. OK, I’m a believer."

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“My period is much better, less cramps and clotting. I’m no longer hot and waking up with miserable night sweats. The constant vaginal itching is gone. No more chin pimples."

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“I was crying all the time. I have 3 small children, and was 50 pounds overweight. I was constantly irritated and screaming at the whole family. I was a disaster. I cried during my entire first appointment with Sarah. She kept telling me everything would be OK and that we were going to turn this around fast. She put me on some progesterone, liver, gall bladder, and thyroid support and honestly, I felt 50% better the next day. My hormones were just so low. I felt significantly better within the first 2 weeks and 3 months later I am down 25 pounds."

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“I came to Sarah because I wanted to be as healthy as possible. I was not losing weight despite all my best attempts. I found the food plan she put me on to be easy, my body likes this food! I lost 46 pounds in 4 months. Energy has also improved."

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“I have Hashimoto’s and was so weak and tired I knew I was dying. I had hives and PCOS, and no patience to care for my family. Sarah evaluated my blood work and we started a strict autoimmune and Hashimoto’s protocol. I feel like this gave me my life back! I get regular blood work done because she tells me what to order! It’s often blood markers my doctor never checks and almost everything Sarah suspected that we tested came back flagged as a problem. She is the only person who has ever taken the time to explain my blood work to me and sets clear goals for our progress."

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“I was having terrible anxiety, frequent panic attacks, and sciatic nerve pain. I only had 2 panic attacks during the first 60 days on my program, which is about an 80% improvement. I’m not triggered as easily."

sunset-danube-river-ruse-bulgaria-5e3441c0 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“I have diverticulitis and had been to the ER twice this past year because of painful cramps. As soon as I started Sarah’s protocol the pain lessened on the right side of my colon. When I faithfully follow the program, I see a difference."

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“I had tendinitis in both elbows, joint pain, and arthritis in my fingers. The pain was intense, an 8 out of 10. Sometimes it hurt so bad I felt like I wanted to rip my arms off. It hurts to open doors and jars and I can’t put my elbows down on the table. The anti-inflammatory herbs and Calcifood wafers really help! The pain is managed at a 2/10. Whenever I skip my supplements I can tell because the pain creeps back up to a 5/10."

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“I was having stomach issues after the birth of my 3rd baby. Food was getting stuck in my esophagus and I had trouble swallowing. I was having terrible cramps in my stomach and chest every few days. I saw 6 specialist and no one could find anything wrong with me. A friend told me about Ukiah Nutrition and the food plan and supplements helped immediately. It was almost instant relief. The marshmellow root and gastrex was a lifesaver when my esophagus hurt. Very quickly the discomfort and cramps subsided. No more burning pain."

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“I love the Adrenal Tonic, I feel like I can handle the stress of life better. I notice a difference on the days I take it."

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“I have not had ONE headache and I used to have one EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! This unique program works folks."

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“I have a 1.5 year-old-daughter and I was having a hard time getting my baby weight off. I was wondering if my metabolism was off, it felt like my body composition had changed. I came to Sarah for a tune-up! I quickly realized I had to stop my nightly wine if I was going to get my hormones back on track. Sarah told me exactly what to do and I did it. Turns out my digestion was off- I was dehydrated, I had candida, and I was constipated and deficient in enzymes and hydrochloric acid, I was not digesting my fat AND my hormones were low! I had no idea my one bowel movement per day meant I was constipated! I got the tune-up I asked for and I feel so much better now that my digestive organs are working properly."

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“I am feeling a lightness of being. I am laughing more, and genuinely feel happier. Sleep is better when I eat my right foods. No more hot flashes."

photo-1472745433479-4556f22e32c2-ed67bb31 The Standard Process Nutritionist Reviews & Testimonials

“I am a 24-year-old male. I’ve been underweight my entire life. I wanted to gain weight. Sarah gave me some pre-digested fat and protein, helped me improve my digestion so I could absorb my nutrients, and I gained 8.3 pounds in the first 3 weeks. Over the course of 4 months I put on 19 pounds, and I had more energy to work out and build muscle too. I just applied for my Masters in Nutrition, I want to do the work Sarah does. What an inspiration to find a one-of-a-kind practice like this!"

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“Whatever is happening at this wellness center is incredibly unique. There is nothing else like this that I have found, and I am 68 years of age. There is a joy and a positivity that radiates off these walls. Even sick people seem happy here!"

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